About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- Paola, Kansas, United States
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Slow down or stop Obama care and increase your wages in Fast Food Restaurants.
Lets look at the current situation. Obama care and wages in Fast Food Joints./Restaurants. Why both? The Fast Food Restaurants are the biggest employer in America. They are ran as Franchises. The owners have to give a percentage of the profits to the Franchise Guarantors for the Corporate Office. The more they pay in wages the less the Corporate gets in profit shares. That is why they will not increase wages to the employees. They also demand that Full Time Employees be given or Health care in 2014. Well, lets stop that BULLSHIT. How? Work 4 jobs working 12 hours a week at each job. Yea, 12 hours on Monday a one job, 12 hours working on Tuesday at another job and so forth. Work 4 different jobs, 12 hours a week at each. You will loose sick leave, vacation and that is about it. You will loose Unemployment Benefits also. This is also cheaper for the Owner and it doesn't break their Franchise Contract. You also will be working 8 more hours a week and getting 8 hours more in pay. Overtime sucks. It is not worth it in the long run. As long as all employees do this together, you can't loose. It is scary. Your not guaranteed your hours, your guaranteed much. You have each other, that's all. Just a thought, hang in there.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
My, "Not For Profit Organization", coming soon.
I called the I.R.S. and have started the process to start a, "Not For Profit Organization". It will have three main functions in its, Mission Statement and Functions.
1. I will set up a Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations for Infrastructure Recovery after a Natural Disaster. The Attorney General of the Requesting State will contact my Not For Profit Organization and request funds. I will send the request and the funds I feel I can send to the I.R.S.. The I.R.S. will then contact that Attorney General and set up if, how and when the funds will be used and that they are for Infrastructure Recovery only.
2. I will set up another Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations for General Disaster Recovery. The same method. The Attorney General of the Requesting State sends a request for funds after a Natural Disaster. Then I will send what I feel I can to the I.R.S.. The I.R.S. will contact the Attorney General of the requesting State and facilitate the use of the funds I sent. They will be used for General Disaster Relief/Recovery at the I.R.S.'s discretion.
3. I will set up a Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations, to "See, Expose and Stop", Corruption being done by City, County, State and Federal Offices, Appointed and Elected. I will also go after corrupt Private Businesses and Organizations. I will file, Petitions of Writ of Mandamus's demanding Judicial Matters of Law, to be followed, in Federal Court. I will do this in all 50 States.
This will be a, Federal Not For Profit. I have researched what I have to do to finalize this. I will get that done.
Herbert West 3rd
Sole Proprietorship
Marketing Matters HLW3RD
E.I.N. 45-1473168
21817 W. 351st
Paola Ks, 66071
**July 27TH, 2013** I am looking to sell this offer. I am in contact with current Not For Profits and will keep everyone updated.
**UPDATED AUGUST 26/2013**
If 1,000,000.00 of the 26 million small businesses in America give $1,000 each as a Tax Deductible Donation to this Not For Profit, that would be, ONE Billion Gross a year. If a Not For Profit buys me out and sets up a Trust Fund to run the Not For Profit they can keep 100 million a year of the funds for their expenses. Yea they can keep 10%. That would be 900 million for Infrastructure and Disaster Relief. Where it is mine and Registered with the IRS is the clause that the Not For Profit must distribute any pay outs to the IRS which would then delegate the funds and make sure they are used appropriately. That is in my Registered Mission Statement. I don't feel $5 million is to much to ask. If one entity from each of the 50 states get together and those 50 buy me out. That is $100,000.00 each. That would give them 50 Board Members. That would give them 50 Interim Board Members. Imagine if 5 million of the 26 million small businesses give $1,000 each as a Tax Deductible Donation. That is $5 Billion to the Not For Profit with $500 Million of those funds going to run their, Not For Profit. They could call it, "The Better Situation Not For Profit Organization".
Thanks as always, Herbert West 3rd.
1. I will set up a Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations for Infrastructure Recovery after a Natural Disaster. The Attorney General of the Requesting State will contact my Not For Profit Organization and request funds. I will send the request and the funds I feel I can send to the I.R.S.. The I.R.S. will then contact that Attorney General and set up if, how and when the funds will be used and that they are for Infrastructure Recovery only.
2. I will set up another Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations for General Disaster Recovery. The same method. The Attorney General of the Requesting State sends a request for funds after a Natural Disaster. Then I will send what I feel I can to the I.R.S.. The I.R.S. will contact the Attorney General of the requesting State and facilitate the use of the funds I sent. They will be used for General Disaster Relief/Recovery at the I.R.S.'s discretion.
3. I will set up a Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations, to "See, Expose and Stop", Corruption being done by City, County, State and Federal Offices, Appointed and Elected. I will also go after corrupt Private Businesses and Organizations. I will file, Petitions of Writ of Mandamus's demanding Judicial Matters of Law, to be followed, in Federal Court. I will do this in all 50 States.
This will be a, Federal Not For Profit. I have researched what I have to do to finalize this. I will get that done.
Herbert West 3rd
Sole Proprietorship
Marketing Matters HLW3RD
E.I.N. 45-1473168
21817 W. 351st
Paola Ks, 66071
**July 27TH, 2013** I am looking to sell this offer. I am in contact with current Not For Profits and will keep everyone updated.
**UPDATED AUGUST 26/2013**
If 1,000,000.00 of the 26 million small businesses in America give $1,000 each as a Tax Deductible Donation to this Not For Profit, that would be, ONE Billion Gross a year. If a Not For Profit buys me out and sets up a Trust Fund to run the Not For Profit they can keep 100 million a year of the funds for their expenses. Yea they can keep 10%. That would be 900 million for Infrastructure and Disaster Relief. Where it is mine and Registered with the IRS is the clause that the Not For Profit must distribute any pay outs to the IRS which would then delegate the funds and make sure they are used appropriately. That is in my Registered Mission Statement. I don't feel $5 million is to much to ask. If one entity from each of the 50 states get together and those 50 buy me out. That is $100,000.00 each. That would give them 50 Board Members. That would give them 50 Interim Board Members. Imagine if 5 million of the 26 million small businesses give $1,000 each as a Tax Deductible Donation. That is $5 Billion to the Not For Profit with $500 Million of those funds going to run their, Not For Profit. They could call it, "The Better Situation Not For Profit Organization".
Thanks as always, Herbert West 3rd.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Hinton Auto Sales ripped me off.
I traded my truck for a 1997 Honda Odyssey. Seems cool? I had to pay them for a battery. I had just bought a $129.00 battery for the truck. I had driven back to KCK on Saturday to give them the second set of keys to the truck. Noone was there. I had to go to the salvage yard and buy a missing trottlebody tube. It cost me $20.00. I was going back to the dealership on Monday and the heater hose blew. It cost me $133 to fix it. It was the first day I used the heater. It is electronically activated. That is when I discovered the busted heater hose. It was damaged when soneone took off the trottlebody tube. I was told by the KCK Police that a trade for trade of vehicles at a dealership requires that both vehicle remain VIABLE for the first three business days. The one I received did not remain VIABLE. So far the dealership has blown me off. Please shop elsewhere. Hinton Auto Sales, 6336 State Ave, Kansas City KS, 66012 PH 1-913-299-6900. http://hintonautosales.com/ I also called the Wyandotte County Consumer Affairs Division of the District Attorneys Office, dial 311 for that contact. J&T Auto Service in Springhill KS was polite and fixed my car when they did not have a bay open. They fixed it because the hose that blew up made me a stranded motorist. I will also be filing a complaint with the Kansas Department of Revenue. http://www.ksrevenue.org/pdf/d13.pdf I will keep everyone updated. I traded of the truck because I am currently crippled and using a walker to walk. I got their this morning at 10:0 am, 05/22/2013 and stayed until 1:30 pm. The boss or his daughter never showed up. I called back every half hour until 4:21 pm. Today was the 3rd business day. They knew this. Again, please shop elsewhere.
Herbert West 3rd, Former Candidate for Miami County KS Sheriff, 2008 and 2012. Former Candidate for KS Governor 2009-2010. Currently a Disability Retired Paramedic.
Herbert West 3rd, Former Candidate for Miami County KS Sheriff, 2008 and 2012. Former Candidate for KS Governor 2009-2010. Currently a Disability Retired Paramedic.
Friday, May 10, 2013
District Attorney refuses to allow me to file a Quo Warranto!!!
When I was in the Nursing Home getting Physical and Occupational Therapy, the County and Cities in Miami County conducted an illegal election for the new jail. I went to file a Quo Warranto, and was told no!!! The Attorney General, the FBI also refused to intervene saying they don't have jurisdiction over a D.A.. I have a list of statutes they broke and the process to file the Quo Warranto. typically the county is corrupt and they feel we are just screwed. Look at these statutes, http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_60/Article_12/ and KSA 12-3901. Good luck finding the statute online. The State has blocked the statute. It is Saturday, 5/11/2013. I will post some statutes today and more on Monday. http://kslegislature.org/li/b2013_14/statute/019_000_0000_chapter/019_019_0000_article/019_019_0001_section/019_019_0001_k/ Look at these statutes. None list the involvement of a city as they utilized them this year in the illegal election/ballot issue. http://kslegislature.org/li/b2013_14/statute/019_000_0000_chapter/019_019_0000_article/
It is Monday, 05/13/2013. Here is some more statutes. KSA 12-101. See KSA 12-2901 through KSA 12-2910. As I stated, the main thing is that the cities have to forfeit their rights and the ballot measure has to be done during the Aug and November Election Schedule by State Law. The ballot was illegal when it was done during the city elections. We are not a Unified Government.
**UPDATE** 05/28/2013**
The next step? I am going to form a PAC and file a request for a Petition of a Writ of Mandamus in Federal Court where the Judge will demand that the State Law be followed. This is filed as a Judicial Matter of Law. I will need two or four others to join me to form the PAC and we will collect funds and file the above request in Federal Court. I will also be asking that the Miami County DA and the KS Attorney General be filed on for Felony Obstruction because they refused to let me file a Quo Warranto. I am also contacting Leslie Atkins the Republican Party State Chair asking her to review the Miami County Republican Party and its abuse of authority against its constituents. See other information at http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/
It is Monday, 05/13/2013. Here is some more statutes. KSA 12-101. See KSA 12-2901 through KSA 12-2910. As I stated, the main thing is that the cities have to forfeit their rights and the ballot measure has to be done during the Aug and November Election Schedule by State Law. The ballot was illegal when it was done during the city elections. We are not a Unified Government.
**UPDATE** 05/28/2013**
The next step? I am going to form a PAC and file a request for a Petition of a Writ of Mandamus in Federal Court where the Judge will demand that the State Law be followed. This is filed as a Judicial Matter of Law. I will need two or four others to join me to form the PAC and we will collect funds and file the above request in Federal Court. I will also be asking that the Miami County DA and the KS Attorney General be filed on for Felony Obstruction because they refused to let me file a Quo Warranto. I am also contacting Leslie Atkins the Republican Party State Chair asking her to review the Miami County Republican Party and its abuse of authority against its constituents. See other information at http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Sexual Exploitation of a Child, done by Obama and Sebelius as well as the FDA.
Lets look at the minimum age of sex in each State. http://www.ageofconsent.us/ Why pass the FDA Morning After Pill that allows girls to buy the pill's at 15 if they cannot have sex legally in any State? This is telling girls at 15, have sex and buy the pills. That is flat out, Sexual Exploitation of a Child, period!!! The FDA and Obama and Sebelius need to be arrested and charged!!!! Herbert West 3rd.
Gun Show Background Checks.
If there is a lacking in State Law in Kansas, Cities can Pass Laws. I am not sure how other states function. Lets look at Gun Shows and Background Checks. If someone is arrested, they have to choose a Bondsman from an approved list at the Sheriffs Office/Jail to Bond out. The cities can set up an approved list for FFL's to do Background Checks at Gun Shows in their cities. If the Gun Show people say no, they cannot do a Gun Show or sale in that city. I am not stopping guns or asking them to Ban guns, I only feel a Background Check should be done just like buying a gun through a Gun Store. These Background Check individuals cannot sell anything during these Gun Shows, they just do the background checks. The answer will be either yes or no. These individuals know who to contact to check to see if anyone can or cannot buy a gun. The city can set a fee for the FFL on the list to be there all day and do the Background Checks. This would be contract paid by the Gun Show Promoter to the city. Please contact your city to get this concept into Law. It could save you and yours lives!!!! Herbert West 3rd.
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