Other things two
This blog is a second site for general posts on varied topics. Thanks,
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- Paola, Kansas, United States
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Slow down or stop Obama care and increase your wages in Fast Food Restaurants.
Lets look at the current situation. Obama care and wages in Fast Food Joints./Restaurants. Why both? The Fast Food Restaurants are the biggest employer in America. They are ran as Franchises. The owners have to give a percentage of the profits to the Franchise Guarantors for the Corporate Office. The more they pay in wages the less the Corporate gets in profit shares. That is why they will not increase wages to the employees. They also demand that Full Time Employees be given or Health care in 2014. Well, lets stop that BULLSHIT. How? Work 4 jobs working 12 hours a week at each job. Yea, 12 hours on Monday a one job, 12 hours working on Tuesday at another job and so forth. Work 4 different jobs, 12 hours a week at each. You will loose sick leave, vacation and that is about it. You will loose Unemployment Benefits also. This is also cheaper for the Owner and it doesn't break their Franchise Contract. You also will be working 8 more hours a week and getting 8 hours more in pay. Overtime sucks. It is not worth it in the long run. As long as all employees do this together, you can't loose. It is scary. Your not guaranteed your hours, your guaranteed much. You have each other, that's all. Just a thought, hang in there.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
My, "Not For Profit Organization", coming soon.
I called the I.R.S. and have started the process to start a, "Not For Profit Organization". It will have three main functions in its, Mission Statement and Functions.
1. I will set up a Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations for Infrastructure Recovery after a Natural Disaster. The Attorney General of the Requesting State will contact my Not For Profit Organization and request funds. I will send the request and the funds I feel I can send to the I.R.S.. The I.R.S. will then contact that Attorney General and set up if, how and when the funds will be used and that they are for Infrastructure Recovery only.
2. I will set up another Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations for General Disaster Recovery. The same method. The Attorney General of the Requesting State sends a request for funds after a Natural Disaster. Then I will send what I feel I can to the I.R.S.. The I.R.S. will contact the Attorney General of the requesting State and facilitate the use of the funds I sent. They will be used for General Disaster Relief/Recovery at the I.R.S.'s discretion.
3. I will set up a Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations, to "See, Expose and Stop", Corruption being done by City, County, State and Federal Offices, Appointed and Elected. I will also go after corrupt Private Businesses and Organizations. I will file, Petitions of Writ of Mandamus's demanding Judicial Matters of Law, to be followed, in Federal Court. I will do this in all 50 States.
This will be a, Federal Not For Profit. I have researched what I have to do to finalize this. I will get that done.
Herbert West 3rd
Sole Proprietorship
Marketing Matters HLW3RD
E.I.N. 45-1473168
21817 W. 351st
Paola Ks, 66071
**July 27TH, 2013** I am looking to sell this offer. I am in contact with current Not For Profits and will keep everyone updated.
**UPDATED AUGUST 26/2013**
If 1,000,000.00 of the 26 million small businesses in America give $1,000 each as a Tax Deductible Donation to this Not For Profit, that would be, ONE Billion Gross a year. If a Not For Profit buys me out and sets up a Trust Fund to run the Not For Profit they can keep 100 million a year of the funds for their expenses. Yea they can keep 10%. That would be 900 million for Infrastructure and Disaster Relief. Where it is mine and Registered with the IRS is the clause that the Not For Profit must distribute any pay outs to the IRS which would then delegate the funds and make sure they are used appropriately. That is in my Registered Mission Statement. I don't feel $5 million is to much to ask. If one entity from each of the 50 states get together and those 50 buy me out. That is $100,000.00 each. That would give them 50 Board Members. That would give them 50 Interim Board Members. Imagine if 5 million of the 26 million small businesses give $1,000 each as a Tax Deductible Donation. That is $5 Billion to the Not For Profit with $500 Million of those funds going to run their, Not For Profit. They could call it, "The Better Situation Not For Profit Organization".
Thanks as always, Herbert West 3rd.
1. I will set up a Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations for Infrastructure Recovery after a Natural Disaster. The Attorney General of the Requesting State will contact my Not For Profit Organization and request funds. I will send the request and the funds I feel I can send to the I.R.S.. The I.R.S. will then contact that Attorney General and set up if, how and when the funds will be used and that they are for Infrastructure Recovery only.
2. I will set up another Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations for General Disaster Recovery. The same method. The Attorney General of the Requesting State sends a request for funds after a Natural Disaster. Then I will send what I feel I can to the I.R.S.. The I.R.S. will contact the Attorney General of the requesting State and facilitate the use of the funds I sent. They will be used for General Disaster Relief/Recovery at the I.R.S.'s discretion.
3. I will set up a Bank Account to collect Tax Deductible Donations, to "See, Expose and Stop", Corruption being done by City, County, State and Federal Offices, Appointed and Elected. I will also go after corrupt Private Businesses and Organizations. I will file, Petitions of Writ of Mandamus's demanding Judicial Matters of Law, to be followed, in Federal Court. I will do this in all 50 States.
This will be a, Federal Not For Profit. I have researched what I have to do to finalize this. I will get that done.
Herbert West 3rd
Sole Proprietorship
Marketing Matters HLW3RD
E.I.N. 45-1473168
21817 W. 351st
Paola Ks, 66071
**July 27TH, 2013** I am looking to sell this offer. I am in contact with current Not For Profits and will keep everyone updated.
**UPDATED AUGUST 26/2013**
If 1,000,000.00 of the 26 million small businesses in America give $1,000 each as a Tax Deductible Donation to this Not For Profit, that would be, ONE Billion Gross a year. If a Not For Profit buys me out and sets up a Trust Fund to run the Not For Profit they can keep 100 million a year of the funds for their expenses. Yea they can keep 10%. That would be 900 million for Infrastructure and Disaster Relief. Where it is mine and Registered with the IRS is the clause that the Not For Profit must distribute any pay outs to the IRS which would then delegate the funds and make sure they are used appropriately. That is in my Registered Mission Statement. I don't feel $5 million is to much to ask. If one entity from each of the 50 states get together and those 50 buy me out. That is $100,000.00 each. That would give them 50 Board Members. That would give them 50 Interim Board Members. Imagine if 5 million of the 26 million small businesses give $1,000 each as a Tax Deductible Donation. That is $5 Billion to the Not For Profit with $500 Million of those funds going to run their, Not For Profit. They could call it, "The Better Situation Not For Profit Organization".
Thanks as always, Herbert West 3rd.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Hinton Auto Sales ripped me off.
I traded my truck for a 1997 Honda Odyssey. Seems cool? I had to pay them for a battery. I had just bought a $129.00 battery for the truck. I had driven back to KCK on Saturday to give them the second set of keys to the truck. Noone was there. I had to go to the salvage yard and buy a missing trottlebody tube. It cost me $20.00. I was going back to the dealership on Monday and the heater hose blew. It cost me $133 to fix it. It was the first day I used the heater. It is electronically activated. That is when I discovered the busted heater hose. It was damaged when soneone took off the trottlebody tube. I was told by the KCK Police that a trade for trade of vehicles at a dealership requires that both vehicle remain VIABLE for the first three business days. The one I received did not remain VIABLE. So far the dealership has blown me off. Please shop elsewhere. Hinton Auto Sales, 6336 State Ave, Kansas City KS, 66012 PH 1-913-299-6900. http://hintonautosales.com/ I also called the Wyandotte County Consumer Affairs Division of the District Attorneys Office, dial 311 for that contact. J&T Auto Service in Springhill KS was polite and fixed my car when they did not have a bay open. They fixed it because the hose that blew up made me a stranded motorist. I will also be filing a complaint with the Kansas Department of Revenue. http://www.ksrevenue.org/pdf/d13.pdf I will keep everyone updated. I traded of the truck because I am currently crippled and using a walker to walk. I got their this morning at 10:0 am, 05/22/2013 and stayed until 1:30 pm. The boss or his daughter never showed up. I called back every half hour until 4:21 pm. Today was the 3rd business day. They knew this. Again, please shop elsewhere.
Herbert West 3rd, Former Candidate for Miami County KS Sheriff, 2008 and 2012. Former Candidate for KS Governor 2009-2010. Currently a Disability Retired Paramedic.
Herbert West 3rd, Former Candidate for Miami County KS Sheriff, 2008 and 2012. Former Candidate for KS Governor 2009-2010. Currently a Disability Retired Paramedic.
Friday, May 10, 2013
District Attorney refuses to allow me to file a Quo Warranto!!!
When I was in the Nursing Home getting Physical and Occupational Therapy, the County and Cities in Miami County conducted an illegal election for the new jail. I went to file a Quo Warranto, and was told no!!! The Attorney General, the FBI also refused to intervene saying they don't have jurisdiction over a D.A.. I have a list of statutes they broke and the process to file the Quo Warranto. typically the county is corrupt and they feel we are just screwed. Look at these statutes, http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_60/Article_12/ and KSA 12-3901. Good luck finding the statute online. The State has blocked the statute. It is Saturday, 5/11/2013. I will post some statutes today and more on Monday. http://kslegislature.org/li/b2013_14/statute/019_000_0000_chapter/019_019_0000_article/019_019_0001_section/019_019_0001_k/ Look at these statutes. None list the involvement of a city as they utilized them this year in the illegal election/ballot issue. http://kslegislature.org/li/b2013_14/statute/019_000_0000_chapter/019_019_0000_article/
It is Monday, 05/13/2013. Here is some more statutes. KSA 12-101. See KSA 12-2901 through KSA 12-2910. As I stated, the main thing is that the cities have to forfeit their rights and the ballot measure has to be done during the Aug and November Election Schedule by State Law. The ballot was illegal when it was done during the city elections. We are not a Unified Government.
**UPDATE** 05/28/2013**
The next step? I am going to form a PAC and file a request for a Petition of a Writ of Mandamus in Federal Court where the Judge will demand that the State Law be followed. This is filed as a Judicial Matter of Law. I will need two or four others to join me to form the PAC and we will collect funds and file the above request in Federal Court. I will also be asking that the Miami County DA and the KS Attorney General be filed on for Felony Obstruction because they refused to let me file a Quo Warranto. I am also contacting Leslie Atkins the Republican Party State Chair asking her to review the Miami County Republican Party and its abuse of authority against its constituents. See other information at http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/
It is Monday, 05/13/2013. Here is some more statutes. KSA 12-101. See KSA 12-2901 through KSA 12-2910. As I stated, the main thing is that the cities have to forfeit their rights and the ballot measure has to be done during the Aug and November Election Schedule by State Law. The ballot was illegal when it was done during the city elections. We are not a Unified Government.
**UPDATE** 05/28/2013**
The next step? I am going to form a PAC and file a request for a Petition of a Writ of Mandamus in Federal Court where the Judge will demand that the State Law be followed. This is filed as a Judicial Matter of Law. I will need two or four others to join me to form the PAC and we will collect funds and file the above request in Federal Court. I will also be asking that the Miami County DA and the KS Attorney General be filed on for Felony Obstruction because they refused to let me file a Quo Warranto. I am also contacting Leslie Atkins the Republican Party State Chair asking her to review the Miami County Republican Party and its abuse of authority against its constituents. See other information at http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Sexual Exploitation of a Child, done by Obama and Sebelius as well as the FDA.
Lets look at the minimum age of sex in each State. http://www.ageofconsent.us/ Why pass the FDA Morning After Pill that allows girls to buy the pill's at 15 if they cannot have sex legally in any State? This is telling girls at 15, have sex and buy the pills. That is flat out, Sexual Exploitation of a Child, period!!! The FDA and Obama and Sebelius need to be arrested and charged!!!! Herbert West 3rd.
Gun Show Background Checks.
If there is a lacking in State Law in Kansas, Cities can Pass Laws. I am not sure how other states function. Lets look at Gun Shows and Background Checks. If someone is arrested, they have to choose a Bondsman from an approved list at the Sheriffs Office/Jail to Bond out. The cities can set up an approved list for FFL's to do Background Checks at Gun Shows in their cities. If the Gun Show people say no, they cannot do a Gun Show or sale in that city. I am not stopping guns or asking them to Ban guns, I only feel a Background Check should be done just like buying a gun through a Gun Store. These Background Check individuals cannot sell anything during these Gun Shows, they just do the background checks. The answer will be either yes or no. These individuals know who to contact to check to see if anyone can or cannot buy a gun. The city can set a fee for the FFL on the list to be there all day and do the Background Checks. This would be contract paid by the Gun Show Promoter to the city. Please contact your city to get this concept into Law. It could save you and yours lives!!!! Herbert West 3rd.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Follow Executive Orders, bring the Troops Home, NOW!
President Obama stated, as executive orders, "The Ground Generals have the 100% say so about the setting up of bases for Iraq, in Iraq". Well, lets do this, except lets bring them all back to America. America has multiple closed bases. Open a few dedicated to the Intelligence of Iraq and Afghanistan. Then transfer all the deployed troops to those bases here, back home. Then furlow them into the Military Work Force and place the Military here into those bases here. Then have the deployed Troops return to the American Bases here in America to de-brief and communicate the intelligence gathered. They are still in the deployment phase. They still are doing the Intelligence Work and are still at the ready to return to Iraq if needed. The Ground Generals would still have 100% say so over the Troops, and the Iraq and Afghanistan Intelligence work. See http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/09/06/sources-obama-administration-to-drop-troop-levels-in-iraq-to-3000/ Closed bases in America, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_military_bases . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Closed_military. Just a thought. I help when and where I can. God Bless our Troops and their families.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Act's of God, Versus, Act's of Man.
**Update 03/20/13**
I can also file a Quo Warranto http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_60/Article_12/ I can file on each provider that committed Willful Torts and Wanton Acts against me causing my injuries and current decline in my quality of life. These Acts are an Act of Man.
**Updated 03/17/2013**
**I had posted here earlier and it messed up and I had to republish this today., March 18TH 2013. Sorry if you read the earlier post that got deleted. I reposted trying to post what I had originally said. Thanks, HLW3RD.**
On Feb 25TH I was admitted into Shawnee Mission Medical Center and was discharged without Neuro Treatments on March 9TH still paralyzed. On March 11TH I was admitted by Ambulance into Saint Lukes South and received the IVIG that Menorah had illegally canceled. I was then transferred to the Mid America Rehab Hospital under different Doctors and am able to barely walk with a walker and cannot climb stairs yet. I am scheduled for Outpatient Therapy and more IVIG drips upon discharge from here. All this because Menorah canceled my Treatments.
When I looked into my Medicaid Insurance I found some troubling info. Kansas collects Federal Funds form my Medi9caid. They are supposed to take the Federal Poverty Level times 137% and then look at my income. My income has to be less than that number. It is. http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/13poverty.cfm I make $1,200.92 a month that is $14,411.04. Take the Federal Poverty at $11,490 times 137% and it is $15,741.30. I make less than that amount. So the state collects for my Medicaid and then recalculates it a 60% of Federal Poverty. This new number is, $6894.00 a year. I make more than that. So they deny me Medicaid. This is Federal Theft. This is also Individual Servitude and against the 13TH Amendment of the US Constitution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Involuntary_servitude I also feel this is a form of PUTSCH http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putsch Also read, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution
I am upset that my Medicaid Federal Funds are going for others and mine was canceled. Governor Brownback has committed Federal Fraud and Grand Larceny. They do pay my Medicare Premium, but it is being paid with Frauded Funds.
I will reflect on this with a posting that started around the end of Nov 2011 and the beginning of Dec 2011. I will be doing multiple updates so this story may seem fragmented as I publish.
What is an "Act of God"? See HERE
What is an "Act of Man"? See HERE
Again, around the end of November 2011 and the beginning of December 2011, I was bit by a Brown Recluse Spider in the chest. It started with flu like symptoms and weakening in my body with some tingling and burning in my feet and hands over a couple of days. I also had leg weakness and my balance was off. I then noticed a blackish brown type of scab forming on my chest. As a Disability Retired Paramedic I knew it was a Brown Recluse Spider Bite. I went to my Doctor, Doctor Banks in Paola Kansas. He confirmed the bite and started me on Prednisone and Keflex. The Prednisone was for the inflammation and the Keflex was an antibiotic for any infection from the bite. This improved my balance and weakness as well as my tingling ion my hands and feet. After around one week into this the scab started growing and getting harder. Doctor Bank's refused to lance the scab and remove the poison. I had to do this on my own. I removed the scab and removed around 1/4 of an inch of poison from the wound over around a week. This would be around 1/4 of an inch in a one cup measuring cup. The Spider Bite is a Neuro Toxin. It destroys the Muscle and the Nervous System if we don't get the poison removed. Over the next weeks I was daily getting to where I could not walk as well to the point I could only take one or two inch steps with my legs getting very heavy and stiff. Doctor Bank's did lab work and that was it. After him refusing to do more as I was getting very sick, I went to the Miami County Medical Center ER in Paola Kansas. They did Labs, Chest X-Ray, EKG and O2 Gases. They decided I was stable by the ER Protocol. I then went to the Hospitals Administrator and he took me to the Associates of Family Care Office at the same facility. As a walk in patient I met Doctor Healy. He looked me over and ordered an MRI and an EMG as an Outpatient and I left the office. I was then scheduled for the EMG and then they changed that do to the MRI schedule moved up to that day. I then went in for the MRI. The Radiology Tech could not do the MRI because they could not confirm if I had metal or Kevlar in my skull pins. I then returned to Doctor Healy's Office and the Office Manager decided I would see a Physicians Assistant from now on. Why? Doctor Healy ordered the MRI secondary to a trauma I received in November 2010. Medicare refused the payment or the order do to it being frauded by Doctor Healy. I had fired Doctor Bank's through Doctor Healys Office. I then went to the Associates of Family Care in Osawatomie Kansas and was retained by Doctor Brian Cooke. He saw me and within a half and hour decided to admit me by Ambulance to Olathe Medical Center, on 02/22/2012. My Act# 23412190 and my MR# OMC_102449 I was admitted and stayed there until discharge on 02/27/2012. They did everything except for the EMG or the Spinal Tap. The Neurologist Diagnosed me with Diabetes Neuropothy. I was upset. My diabetes has been in control for 4 years. I am a Type II Diabetic. They discharged me and gave me outpatient orders. I was sent back to Doctor Cooke's Office in Osawatomie where I had left my truck with his permission. I fell there again, and went by Ambulance to KU Med and was admitted on 02/28/2012, because I sat in the ER Lobby for about 10 hours from 3:00 Pm until actually going to my room at 3:00 AM. I was held in the ER lobby, waiting room for 10hours because I had just left Olathe Medical Center. I was then admitted into KU Med. I got there at 3pm and was admitted at 3am the next day. I was there until 03/02/2012. They did the Spinal Tap but could not do the EMG. They also diagnosed me with Diabetes Neuropothy because Olathe Medical Center did. Then I was sent to The Mid America Rehabilitation Hospital in Overland Park KS, and admitted, 03/02/2012, MR# 43669 Act: 40021738. They said I had Gillian-Barre vs. Diabetes Neuropathy. I got there 03/02/2012. Then they changed the diagnosis to Diabetes Neuropothy. They started Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. I started getting worse as the PT and OT aggravated my weakness and burning in my hands and feet. I then got the EMG and the Doctor who did it stated, "Interpretation: Findings consisting with a very severe demyelinating and axonal peripheral neuropathy. Taking into account severity and patient's history of Subacute weakness, these findings would be consistent with an inflammatory type of neuropathy." This EMG was done by Doctor Trout, MD. The Doctors then refused to address the EMG diagnosis or treatments for the proper diagnosis. I then went to the Overland Park Regional Medical Center ER on 03/08/2012and the Neurologist refused to see me in the ER and stated, "I can not get the Steroid Drip because I am a Diabetic". I was sent back to the Mid America Rehabilitation Hospital and they stated, "I was being discharged to the streets in the morning".
I then called the Johnson County Neurology Group and they advised I speak with Cindy, the bed manager at Menorah Medical Center. I called Menorah Medical Center and spoke with the bed manager for an admit there. I was then transported there as an Outpatient in an Inpatient bed. The Neurologist came in and within 5 minutes admitted me under his care. This admit date was 03/09/2012. He further stated, "I had C.I.P.D., not Diabetes Neuropothy, and that all the other Hospitals were wrong on their diagnosis. He also stated, "No one can get Solumedrol anywhere except in a Hospital because it increases blood sugar and must be monitored". He stated, "There is nothing in my labs or tests to confirm or diagnose me with Diabetes Neuropothy". He then started the 5 days of the Steriod drip and monitered my blood sugar. The Rehabilitaion Doctor at Menorah Medical Center also say me and excepted me into the Rehab Unit after the Steriods to receive Occupational Thearpy and Physical Thearapy. I went from being bed ridden and paralized from weakness, to being in a wheel chair. I then was transferred to the Rehab Unit at Menorah Medical Center and received PT and OT as well as continued Medical Care.
I was then consulted for a transfer to a 90 day Rehabilitation Skilled Nursing Facility. One of them said no. The Louisburg Healthcare and Rehab CLICK HERE http://louisburghealthcare.com/Services/servicesmain.asp?facID=72&facNum=274 said yes. I went there on 03/28/2012 and left 03/30/2012. That was a disaster!
Why? I was denied my meds for about 24 hours to include my prednisone pills and my coumadin. I was denied almost all my orders. I was there for 3 days and received life threatening care. I was supposed to receive an IVIG drip over 5 days to stabilize my steroid level. The Doctor kept me in a chair from 7am on Thursday March 29Th 2012 until 2am Friday March 30Th. They had to get an IV Nurse to come in and start my hep lock for the IVIG drip. This happened at 10pm o'clock at night on March 29Th. Then the nurse told me she was an LPN and the RN would start the drip at 2am on March 30 Th. Then at 2:30am on March 30 Th the Nurse stated, "The Doctor has Discontinued the Drip to research it". He canceled the Safe Discharge Plan" and jeopardized my life! I then returned to Menorah Medical Center by Ambulance.
I was re-admitted and they stabilized my care and re-consulted me to ManorCare in Overland park KS. I am currently here at Manor Care in Overland Park KS, as of 03/31-2012. CLICK HERE www.hcr-manorcare.com/ManorCare/OverPark.aspx. Upon admittance into a Skilled facility we must wait for an outside Pharmacy to deliver our meds. My meds were supposed to be given at 9 pm and I got them late at 1 am. I respect a new facility takes time to address my admit. I am frustrated with the whole course as stated above. I will be listing my positives and negatives below.
1. Doctor Bank's messed up and did not follow through. I feel he is upset because I am stopping the expansion of the Jail and he is the jail Doctor. He would receive 4 times his contract pay if it is built. I also have addressed concerns that he allows the EMS to do Coroner work.
2. Doctor Healy attempted to frauded Medicare and denied me care. His Office Manager also decided i had to start seeing a Physicians Assistant.
3. Olathe Medical Center miss-diagnosed me and I did not receive the proper treatments.
4. KU miss-diagnosed me and I did not receive the proper treatments.
5. Mid America Rehabilitation Hospital miss-diagnosed me and I did not receive the proper treatments.
6. Overland Park Regional Medical Center refused me the proper treatment and miss-diagnosed me.
7. Louisburg Healthcare and Rehab discontinued the accepting orders and denied me care for 3 days which is an intentional breech of an accepted, "Safe Discharge Plan" from Menorah Medical Center. They will bill Medicare and this wasted 3 days of my 100 days of insurance. I also was to be doing OT and PT while getting the drip at the facility. I had to go to Menorah and get the drip so I lost 5 days worth of OT and PT. Louisburg cost me 8 days of loss on my 100 days of insurance.
8. My landlord has not received rent for March yet. I am addressing this as I have the money I just am trying to get it to him as my mail is on vacation hold and my disability checks are at the post office.
9. Louisburg Healthcare and Rehab kept my clothes, wallet and its contents, my Pod-Care Medical Boots, my tennis shows and my watch and truck keys.
10. The EMS told me that my truck was missing from Doctor Cooke's office. I had made arrangements with my landlord to pick it up after I paid my rent. I will have to confirm what happened. Doctor Cooke had my numbers at the Hospital and their Social Services and never called them to ask to remove my truck or have it moved. He gave me permission to leave it there as I was leaving there buy ambulance. EMS is wrong. The truck is still there.
11. Heartland Rural Electric charged me upwards of $500 for one months electric use after I shut the entire house down as I was going to the Hospital. My typical bill when I am home is around $189.00 to $256.00 a month, not $500.00!!!
12. I was in Olathe for a week, then KU for a week and then Mid America Rehab for a week then Menorah for 2 weeks then Louisburg for 3 days and then back to Menorah for 1 day and then I am here at ManorCare.
13. So far I have lost my truck, not been able to forward funds to my landlord to pay my rent, and been frauded by the electric company. My truck is safe. I am working on getting it moved.
1. I finally received a proper diagnosis and care by Menorah Medical Center even though it is late as hell. They did their job 100%. I received the IVIG in the Out Patient Infusion CHF Lab from, Mon 04/02/2012 through 04/06/2012.
2. My landlord is very extremely kind and will get his rent! I sent him $800.00 on 04/05/2012. I still owe him $150.00 which he will get this week of 04/09/2012 through 04/14/2012.
3. ManorCare is addressing my needs and continuing my proper care. To include an expensive drug therapy. CLICK HERE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intravenous_immunoglobulin Yea, it is around $75,000.00 dollars for the five doses.
4. I contacted the United States District Court of Kansas and am filing Civil Complaints as needed on all the negatives. CLICK HERE http://prose.ksd.uscourts.gov/ProSeGuide.pdf
5. The EMS is wrong. The truck is still at the Doctor's Office. Doctor Cooke is extremely nice and I owe him an apology.
6. I called the 1-800-MEDICARE line and have communicated with, the State QIO Office and have a Case Manager to address these concerns as stated above. The State's QIO is ran by The Kansas Foundation for Medical Care. They can be reached at 1-800-432-0770. CLICK HERE
Basically, the spider bite was an "Act Of God". The other Bullshit is an "Act of Man"!
Herbert West 3rd
ManorCare Health Services
Room 301-B
5211 West 103rd Street
Overland Park, KS 66207
Lets update. I have found ManorCare is just in my care for the money. Is that fair? Yes. Except, it is also altering the quality of care I am receiving. How? They are messing with me so I will get pissed and leave. I am not Rehabilitated yet. My insurance is messed up because Gov Brownback is screwing up Medicaid. So, I get messed with here. I had a Vertical Banded Gastroplasty procedure done in 2001 by Doctor Sifers. It messed up and I am on a specific diet. For the rest of my life I can only eat, 1. Mashed Potatoes, 2. Gravy, 3. Yogurt, 4. 2% Milk and 5. Oatmeal. If I don't, I get "Dumping Syndrome". I get the first one listed. The Director of Nursing here said, "I was wrong, I don't get dumping syndrome. Diarrhea is the only sign of Dumping Syndrome". Then was upset because I questioned her and she wrote me up for arguing with her. To cover for the dietician from earlier and then stated, "That issue was over". What happened was, is the dietician, after my diet was working out, changed it to a normal puree. The meat, bread and other foods get stuck and I blackout. She refused to follow the Speech Therapy Consult. I tried repeatedly to get her to understand. Her response was to smile in my face and laugh at me. I did cuss her out. Then the Administive Staff, without telling me, changed that I must receive care only if two staff members are present. This delays my meds by about 2 hours. If I hit the floor because I can barely walk when I am transfering from my wheel chair to the walker, I must wait until two CNA's can check on me and ask what I crawled over to the call light for. I could lay on the floor for about an hour waiting until two CNA's are both available. I questioned the DON and she asked, "has that happened yet. If not that doesn't pretain to me". I mentioned prevention. She refused to address my concern. All this has created a hostile environment. The ManorCare Overland Park also is just protecting their getting patients from the Hospitals I am filing on. Yea, this place is a Post-Hospital Facility. The three hospitals above send patients here. I have also seen where the Ot and PT staff has cut my care time in half. It is not based on my medical needs, it is based on Adminstative Retaliation. I did call the Corporate Care Line. I will be calling them back on Monday the 16Th. ManorCare's corporate is at CLICK HERE http://www.hcr-manorcare.com/ Then I read the paperwork that the Kansas Foundation for Medical Care can and cannot do. They don't do anything for mal-practice except cover for the Doctor's. I also received a very rude and cursive e-mail from a staff member here. See CLICK HERE and read the comment section. I also called the HCR-Corporate Office and will do it again on Monday. I am calling the Johnson County District Attorney also. I will probably end up calling another facility and will be moving there to continue my care. I have a place that will take me. I will name it later. I just feel people need to know how nursing homes and facility's treat patients like a piece of meat. They just look for the best insurance and the least care and they treat everyone else like shit until they leave. This really sucks. All the medical world covers for each other. The only facility in all this that did their job, without bullshit, is Menorah Medical Center. These other facilities, to include ManorCare have destroyed all the work that Menorah had achieved. These facilities are trying to fill up their Long Term Care side. The Hospital doesn't have a long term care side. The good staff here has to avoid me to save their job. I don't mind as they actually care and the other patients get a quality care. I just am tired of being treated like a piece of meat. I will be filing the Federal Civil Complaint paperwork to address these issues. I have to file a complete a set of paperwork on every individual person involved who has not treated me properly. I will probably catch comment shit over posting the truth. Oh well.
**Update April 16TH 2012**
I had to file a Police Report. It was filed do to threats I received on my website/blogs. The report number is 201200804 filed with the Overland Park Police Department. The threats were worded, "Sleep well big boy" in the comment section here below. And "Someones going to feel a sharp pain in there asshole when Rich takes care of them without lube". On my Marketing Company website in the comment section. It is under the, "Index of Offerings,Packages" blog. I was asked to write up in order what happened. I was asked to give details. Here is those details.
1. I moved here after all things above, in the entire blog here, took place.
2. I had to wait around 12 to 24 hours for my daily meds because the facility uses an outside pharmacy. Even then, it took upwards of 4 days to get all my meds.
3. I went to Menorah Medical Center for 5 days, out patient for IVIG IV Medicine/Drips.
4. I was not able to speak with Administration here at ManorCare because my IV drips were all day during the day. I lost 5 days of OT and PT over this.
5. My diet was messed up and I was getting the pureed I cannot eat. The staff did replace the food and I did finally get the proper food each night after I returned from Menorah Hospital.
6. That weekend, March 7TH and 8TH my food was still messed up. The CNA's did fix each tray, except, each tray was an hour late.
7. On Monday I had them fix my food. This was back and forth for days. Finally they wrote down my diet and sent it to the kitchen around 14 times. Still my food was wrong.
8. I then finally received a Speech Consult and Speech wrote an "1800 ADA purred diet with the specific items listed". 1. Mashed Potatoes. 2. Gravy. 3. Yogurt. 4. Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat. 5. 2% Milk. 6. Butter and Diet Sugar.
9. This was finally fixed. They started following this diet. Except around 3 times over the course of a week.
10. I spoke with the kitchen manager and he finally fixed the meals.
11. On Wednesday April 11TH the dietician came up during dinner and told me she had changed my diet order. I asked her why and she stated, "I was getting Glucerna without an order. It was a supplement and I needed a Doctors order for it". She further refused to discuss my diet situation. She was vauge. I had added hot water to my potatoes because they were to thick. She demanded I don't do that anymore. I questioned her as to why and she refused to discuss it.
12. I got the Doctors Order for the Glucerna on April 12Th. The Physicians Assistant had asked about my specific diet. I told her that the Kitchen Manager John, stated it was fixed. The P.A. then finalized the Glucerna.
13. The next day, April 12TH I received a proper breakfast and lunch. At dinner I received the pureed I could not eat. I called the kitchen and they told me they was told to throw out the diet I had been getting and serve me the pureed instead. I finally got a proper tray later.
14. I then read who ordered what on my diet. I was told it was ordered as, "Controlled Carb, NAS, Pureed". NAS is no added sodium, by Speech Therapy. Again the dietician had just left and told me she changed the diet.
15. I saw the dietician this April 12Th in the hall and told her I got the order for the Glucerna. She smiled at me and walked off.
16. The next day April 13TH I was denied access to the Speech Therapist. Again, I was told that Speech had ordered this diet in my chart. I was told her name was Karen.
17. I was later told the Dietician is named Karen. The Speech Therapist is named Sarah. I was still denied access to her and have not been allowed to speak with her still.
18. I then confronted the Dietician, April 13TH, and she laughed at me. Do to this I lost my temper and cussed her out.
19. Then the Administrator got involved. I had a conference with, Mike the Pavillion Nurse Mananger, the Administrator, and Karen the Dietician. As she continued to smile and laugh at me, is when I started cussing her out. The Administrator demanded I stop cussing out the Dietician as she continued to smile and laugh at me. I was still explaining the "Dumping Syndrome" and she continued to laugh. Then the Administrator called John, the Kitchen Manager in. Then she blamed him, not the Dietician. Then she asked if I wanted a different Dietician. I was then given a different Dietician. I had to watch her get on John and I told her the Dietician had told me she was changing the diet, not John. The Administrator then stated, "It was not my place to say anything. She felt John was wrong, not the Dietician".
20. "I was told that my meeting with the Dietician was coinciendental and that the tray mistake had nothing to do with the Dietician".
21. I then did the rest of my day, until night meds. I received my Meds at 11:00PM not 9:00PM. Per COBRA Medicine Regulations, Medicine is to be given within one hour as ordered. Either a half hour before or a half hour after the ordered time. I was also denied my Medical Cream for my legs as ordered.
22. On Saturday, April 14TH, I had my daily OT and PT. I was told that I would be getting only PT. It ended up that I got, 1/2 OT and 1/2 PT. I got my 50 minutes except it was 1/2 OT and then 1/2 PT. I was curious but was denied a answer as to why this happened.
23. I asked the Social Worker afterwards if I was on 2 staff status. She stated she had not heard. Two staff status is when 2 staff members must be present with patient care and interactions. I had asked because the Meds the night before were given with two nurses. OT and PT was with 2 staff members.
24. Later in the day, I received an abusive comment on my website. See the comment below. It is in the comment section CLICK HERE It is the comment referencing the DON.
25. I showed staff the comment and I was visited by the Director of Nursing and the Assistant Administrator in my room. I explained what happened and they took a report. I was then notified of the two on one status with staff. I expressed my meds being delayed do to this and the DON was not concerned. I further express, "What if I fall in my room, cannot get up, crawl to the call light and have to wait on the floor until another CNA or Nurse is available to check to see what I need because I have to have 2 staff members with me? I am supposed to lay on the floor until a second staff member is available?" She asked, "Has that happened yet?" I stated, "No". She said, "Then it doesn't matter?" I asked, "What about preventative measures before it happens?" She restated, "It has not happened, she was not concerned." I further stated, "I felt that the 2 on 1 is a form of Retaliation and that the Dietician and her games should not be allowed to alter my health care. I further stated that I felt a Wanton Act and a Willful Tort was being used against me. I was told the Dietician issue was closed and that the 2 on 1 was because of my size. I stated further, whay is my size an issue now, and has not been an issue since my admit on March 31ST. I was told it was all coincidental."
26. On Saturday April 14TH I did not get my Medical Cream for my legs again. My Medicine was late again.
27. I was working on facebook and a staff member came over to do my blood preasure. She asked if I was on facebook. I said yes. She asked if she could see my site. I said yes. She looked at it.
28. I was told within 20 minutes by the Nurse Peter, "He received a complaint by a female that I was doing inappropriate stuff on the internet". I reminded him that their was an Administrative Site Content Block in place that filters out anything that the facility wants to block." He said ok. I was posting pictues of Models on my facebook group. I am at Herbert West III on facebook. The group is HLWIII model pics It is set up for public view.
29. I the received 2 threats later that night in the comment section of my blogs. Any comment that people send goes to my yahoo e-mail account then I forward them to the comment sections, un-edited. The threats can be seen at, 1. "Index of Offerings, Packages." In the comment section. It is the Rich comment, and a comment speaking of child porn. 2. See below here in the comment section. It is the "Sleep well big boy." comment.
30. I called the Overland Park Police Department, stated all the above and they did a Police Report. The case# is 2012008011. It will be available in 48 hours. The Officer asked me to write him with a complete write up with what happened. So I am doing that today, Monday April 17TH.
31. I received my 9:00PM Medical Cream for my legs this morning, April 16TH, at 3:30AM instead of the 9:00PM, April 15TH as ordered.
32. I went to OT and PT this morning, April 16TH. They have changed my time from 2, 50 minute sessions to 1, 50 minute session per Administration against my Health Care needs. This seems wrong. April 31ST, 2012.-My session have moved up to two, 75 minute sessions aday. This has been going on for about 2 weeks now. For the last 5 weeks, (May-24-2012, today), I have received 75 minutes with Occupational Therapy and 75 minutes with Physical Therapy Monday through Friday and 60 minutes with each on Saturdays. This changed around right after the April 16Th posting.
33. Details I further told him that I feel motivated this whole process.
Update from today, April 16TH at 6:43 PM, as Administration spoke with me.
34. I was told I will be discharged if I don't pay the $690.00 co-pay for the Medicare/Medicaid Insurance, in full. They do not allow payments. This is not due right now, but is is coming up. My appeal process? Medicare Form CMC-R-193 I cannot afford the entire payment at once. They are telling me they are appealing Social Security to become my payee. My income is below the poverty level and Social Security doesn't allow garnishment of disability. "Retaliation for filing a Police Report? I feel so!!"
35. I was told they are filing with the State on the threats. They are trying to override Overland Park PD. I filed a report last-night. The Overland Park Police Department has the Jurisdiction, so far, because they took the original report. I don't feel that the facility should be allowed to have the State override, Overland Park PD's report. And remember, the threats seem to have been from a staff member here. "Retaliation for filing a Police Report? I feel so!!"
End the April 16TH 6:43 PM update. Which will start or continue the original
**Update April 17TH 2012***
Who owns HCR-ManorCare? CLICK HERE http://www.carlyle.com/Company/item1676.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlyle_Group
The Physical Therapy Department has added more time onto my PT and OT sessions. Then the Administrator came in and spoke of the discharge. That makes it a direct retaliation.
*****End the Update April 17TH 2012.******
See below for more more details against ManorCare.
--A. My insurance is messed up. My Medicaid is now stating I have a $690.00 co-pay each month of stay here. I have to pay the $690.00 my self.
--B. I am paying rent on the outside to maintain my home when I discharge. I also have a $747.00 electric bill I am working on. I had to pay my truck insurance. I feel the facility is afraid that if I continue paying my outside bills I won't be able to pay the co-pay of $690.00.
--C. I further mentioned I feel they are trying to piss me off so I will leave. By law they cannot make me leave until I am medically stable and have completed Physical Rehab. If I leave on my own, they are off the hook. I further stated that this place looks at patient needs or amount of needs and the better insurance. They don't seem to base care on patient needs. I also stated the nursing staff actually trys to do their job and Administration is retaliating and causing these problems. I also felt this "Hostile Environment" is being brought on my Administration. I told the Officer that just the Staff seeing him would make who ever sent the threats think twice now that a report was done.
--D. After the Officer left, I then told the Nurses what happened. I am tired of Administration not listening to me and barking at the wrong staff. I felt I could handle this without their help and they could remain out of it so they could just do their job. The Nurses did not give comments back. They just listened to what I said.
--E. I am sending this to the Officer. For some reason, this blog/post won't activate directly. I will be sending him the main blog and referencing this, Story. I will also be completing my Federal Filing with the U.S. District Courts of the entire situation in this entire blog/post.
I thank the, Overland Park Police Department for taking a report and addressing my concerns. I am glad I have a Medical background. I worked in an ICU and was involved in the entire Unit. i went to meetings, addressed Crisis Management, worked closely with the nurses and learned alot. I was also a Paramedic Student and learned a lot in College to include C.O.B.R.A. Regs. I also studied the "Quality Assurance QD/QM/QI regulations". I studied QU/QI/UR Quality Usurance, Quality Issuance, Utilization Review, program.
This is the process to, 1. Set policy, 2. Review policy and 3. Update policy, to comply with the C.O.B.R.A. Regs, and Federal Regs as the policies pretain to Medicare/Medicaid Insurance in regards to Quality, and Compliance. I also completed the F.E.M.A. Incident Command Course in 2008 and am currently Registered.
Herbert West 3rd
ManorCare Overland Park
Room: 310-B
5211 W. 103rd, Street
Overland Park KS 66207
**Update April 18TH, 2012**
I looked the Law on some of the continued problems since the Police Report. The Report Number is Case# 1012008011 with the Overland Park KS Police Department. I also updated the Officer how took the report. It is going to Investigations for further case review.
1. K.S.A. 21-3438. Stalking. Some of the staff is continually follow me and it doesn't pertain to my Health Care needs. http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chaper_21/Article_34/21-3438.html
2. Chapter 39. Reporting Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of certain persons. CLICK HERE
3. K.S.A. 39-1401. Abuse, Neglect or Exploitations of residents. CLICK HERE
4. I called the Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Hot line at 1-800-842-0078.
5. I called the local Long Term Care Obudsman, Phylis Toumberlin at 1-913-236-9385.
6. Meadwbrook Rehabilitation Hospital declined to let me transfer there.
We will see what happens and I keep you posted.
**Update, April 20 2012**
What is ManorCare's Nursing Home problems? http://www.memberofthefamily.net/ Then click onto
" Watch List". Then click onto, "Kansas", and look up ManorCare in Overland Park and the other cities to compare them in the list.
I have been denied my prescription creams for my legs for 7 days. The 11:00PM to 7:00AM nurse is supposed to apply these prescription creams to my legs and feet so my skin doesn't crack. My diabetes and nerve damage will cause severe damage to my legs and feet without these prescription creams. It is a form of abuse, not to follow the Doctors orders.
**Update April 31, 2012**
http://hlwiiiotherthings.blogspot.com/2012/04/kansas-medicaid-already-terrorized-by.html I also received my Care Assessment and qualify for up to a year of treatment and services do to my current health status. I will be leaving here around the end of May if things still progress as currently going in Ot and Pt.
I am still a candidate for Sheriff in Miami County KS. http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/
I am still on disability also.
**Update May 24TH, 2012**
I will be leaving the Nursing Home and going home, June 1St. My Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy was upgraded to 75 minutes each Monday through Friday. I get 60 minutes with each on Saturdays. i am walking with a walker and have been out of the wheel chair for about a week now. I will be getting out patient Physical Therapy when I go home. I have one more IVIG on June 11TH. The Overland Park Police Department dropped the investigation and stated, "Mike Kelly, Sheriff Kelly's brother, works for them and so did Retired Under-Sheriff Marl Schmidt". Typical Cop Buddy Bull Shit!!! They refused to follow through.
http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/ Other than that, see my website for the updates for my Candidate for Sheriff updates.
I can also file a Quo Warranto http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chapter_60/Article_12/ I can file on each provider that committed Willful Torts and Wanton Acts against me causing my injuries and current decline in my quality of life. These Acts are an Act of Man.
**Updated 03/17/2013**
**I had posted here earlier and it messed up and I had to republish this today., March 18TH 2013. Sorry if you read the earlier post that got deleted. I reposted trying to post what I had originally said. Thanks, HLW3RD.**
On Feb 25TH I was admitted into Shawnee Mission Medical Center and was discharged without Neuro Treatments on March 9TH still paralyzed. On March 11TH I was admitted by Ambulance into Saint Lukes South and received the IVIG that Menorah had illegally canceled. I was then transferred to the Mid America Rehab Hospital under different Doctors and am able to barely walk with a walker and cannot climb stairs yet. I am scheduled for Outpatient Therapy and more IVIG drips upon discharge from here. All this because Menorah canceled my Treatments.
When I looked into my Medicaid Insurance I found some troubling info. Kansas collects Federal Funds form my Medi9caid. They are supposed to take the Federal Poverty Level times 137% and then look at my income. My income has to be less than that number. It is. http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/13poverty.cfm I make $1,200.92 a month that is $14,411.04. Take the Federal Poverty at $11,490 times 137% and it is $15,741.30. I make less than that amount. So the state collects for my Medicaid and then recalculates it a 60% of Federal Poverty. This new number is, $6894.00 a year. I make more than that. So they deny me Medicaid. This is Federal Theft. This is also Individual Servitude and against the 13TH Amendment of the US Constitution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Involuntary_servitude I also feel this is a form of PUTSCH http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putsch Also read, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution
I am upset that my Medicaid Federal Funds are going for others and mine was canceled. Governor Brownback has committed Federal Fraud and Grand Larceny. They do pay my Medicare Premium, but it is being paid with Frauded Funds.
I will reflect on this with a posting that started around the end of Nov 2011 and the beginning of Dec 2011. I will be doing multiple updates so this story may seem fragmented as I publish.
What is an "Act of God"? See HERE
What is an "Act of Man"? See HERE
Again, around the end of November 2011 and the beginning of December 2011, I was bit by a Brown Recluse Spider in the chest. It started with flu like symptoms and weakening in my body with some tingling and burning in my feet and hands over a couple of days. I also had leg weakness and my balance was off. I then noticed a blackish brown type of scab forming on my chest. As a Disability Retired Paramedic I knew it was a Brown Recluse Spider Bite. I went to my Doctor, Doctor Banks in Paola Kansas. He confirmed the bite and started me on Prednisone and Keflex. The Prednisone was for the inflammation and the Keflex was an antibiotic for any infection from the bite. This improved my balance and weakness as well as my tingling ion my hands and feet. After around one week into this the scab started growing and getting harder. Doctor Bank's refused to lance the scab and remove the poison. I had to do this on my own. I removed the scab and removed around 1/4 of an inch of poison from the wound over around a week. This would be around 1/4 of an inch in a one cup measuring cup. The Spider Bite is a Neuro Toxin. It destroys the Muscle and the Nervous System if we don't get the poison removed. Over the next weeks I was daily getting to where I could not walk as well to the point I could only take one or two inch steps with my legs getting very heavy and stiff. Doctor Bank's did lab work and that was it. After him refusing to do more as I was getting very sick, I went to the Miami County Medical Center ER in Paola Kansas. They did Labs, Chest X-Ray, EKG and O2 Gases. They decided I was stable by the ER Protocol. I then went to the Hospitals Administrator and he took me to the Associates of Family Care Office at the same facility. As a walk in patient I met Doctor Healy. He looked me over and ordered an MRI and an EMG as an Outpatient and I left the office. I was then scheduled for the EMG and then they changed that do to the MRI schedule moved up to that day. I then went in for the MRI. The Radiology Tech could not do the MRI because they could not confirm if I had metal or Kevlar in my skull pins. I then returned to Doctor Healy's Office and the Office Manager decided I would see a Physicians Assistant from now on. Why? Doctor Healy ordered the MRI secondary to a trauma I received in November 2010. Medicare refused the payment or the order do to it being frauded by Doctor Healy. I had fired Doctor Bank's through Doctor Healys Office. I then went to the Associates of Family Care in Osawatomie Kansas and was retained by Doctor Brian Cooke. He saw me and within a half and hour decided to admit me by Ambulance to Olathe Medical Center, on 02/22/2012. My Act# 23412190 and my MR# OMC_102449 I was admitted and stayed there until discharge on 02/27/2012. They did everything except for the EMG or the Spinal Tap. The Neurologist Diagnosed me with Diabetes Neuropothy. I was upset. My diabetes has been in control for 4 years. I am a Type II Diabetic. They discharged me and gave me outpatient orders. I was sent back to Doctor Cooke's Office in Osawatomie where I had left my truck with his permission. I fell there again, and went by Ambulance to KU Med and was admitted on 02/28/2012, because I sat in the ER Lobby for about 10 hours from 3:00 Pm until actually going to my room at 3:00 AM. I was held in the ER lobby, waiting room for 10hours because I had just left Olathe Medical Center. I was then admitted into KU Med. I got there at 3pm and was admitted at 3am the next day. I was there until 03/02/2012. They did the Spinal Tap but could not do the EMG. They also diagnosed me with Diabetes Neuropothy because Olathe Medical Center did. Then I was sent to The Mid America Rehabilitation Hospital in Overland Park KS, and admitted, 03/02/2012, MR# 43669 Act: 40021738. They said I had Gillian-Barre vs. Diabetes Neuropathy. I got there 03/02/2012. Then they changed the diagnosis to Diabetes Neuropothy. They started Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. I started getting worse as the PT and OT aggravated my weakness and burning in my hands and feet. I then got the EMG and the Doctor who did it stated, "Interpretation: Findings consisting with a very severe demyelinating and axonal peripheral neuropathy. Taking into account severity and patient's history of Subacute weakness, these findings would be consistent with an inflammatory type of neuropathy." This EMG was done by Doctor Trout, MD. The Doctors then refused to address the EMG diagnosis or treatments for the proper diagnosis. I then went to the Overland Park Regional Medical Center ER on 03/08/2012and the Neurologist refused to see me in the ER and stated, "I can not get the Steroid Drip because I am a Diabetic". I was sent back to the Mid America Rehabilitation Hospital and they stated, "I was being discharged to the streets in the morning".
I then called the Johnson County Neurology Group and they advised I speak with Cindy, the bed manager at Menorah Medical Center. I called Menorah Medical Center and spoke with the bed manager for an admit there. I was then transported there as an Outpatient in an Inpatient bed. The Neurologist came in and within 5 minutes admitted me under his care. This admit date was 03/09/2012. He further stated, "I had C.I.P.D., not Diabetes Neuropothy, and that all the other Hospitals were wrong on their diagnosis. He also stated, "No one can get Solumedrol anywhere except in a Hospital because it increases blood sugar and must be monitored". He stated, "There is nothing in my labs or tests to confirm or diagnose me with Diabetes Neuropothy". He then started the 5 days of the Steriod drip and monitered my blood sugar. The Rehabilitaion Doctor at Menorah Medical Center also say me and excepted me into the Rehab Unit after the Steriods to receive Occupational Thearpy and Physical Thearapy. I went from being bed ridden and paralized from weakness, to being in a wheel chair. I then was transferred to the Rehab Unit at Menorah Medical Center and received PT and OT as well as continued Medical Care.
I was then consulted for a transfer to a 90 day Rehabilitation Skilled Nursing Facility. One of them said no. The Louisburg Healthcare and Rehab CLICK HERE http://louisburghealthcare.com/Services/servicesmain.asp?facID=72&facNum=274 said yes. I went there on 03/28/2012 and left 03/30/2012. That was a disaster!
Why? I was denied my meds for about 24 hours to include my prednisone pills and my coumadin. I was denied almost all my orders. I was there for 3 days and received life threatening care. I was supposed to receive an IVIG drip over 5 days to stabilize my steroid level. The Doctor kept me in a chair from 7am on Thursday March 29Th 2012 until 2am Friday March 30Th. They had to get an IV Nurse to come in and start my hep lock for the IVIG drip. This happened at 10pm o'clock at night on March 29Th. Then the nurse told me she was an LPN and the RN would start the drip at 2am on March 30 Th. Then at 2:30am on March 30 Th the Nurse stated, "The Doctor has Discontinued the Drip to research it". He canceled the Safe Discharge Plan" and jeopardized my life! I then returned to Menorah Medical Center by Ambulance.
I was re-admitted and they stabilized my care and re-consulted me to ManorCare in Overland park KS. I am currently here at Manor Care in Overland Park KS, as of 03/31-2012. CLICK HERE www.hcr-manorcare.com/ManorCare/OverPark.aspx. Upon admittance into a Skilled facility we must wait for an outside Pharmacy to deliver our meds. My meds were supposed to be given at 9 pm and I got them late at 1 am. I respect a new facility takes time to address my admit. I am frustrated with the whole course as stated above. I will be listing my positives and negatives below.
1. Doctor Bank's messed up and did not follow through. I feel he is upset because I am stopping the expansion of the Jail and he is the jail Doctor. He would receive 4 times his contract pay if it is built. I also have addressed concerns that he allows the EMS to do Coroner work.
2. Doctor Healy attempted to frauded Medicare and denied me care. His Office Manager also decided i had to start seeing a Physicians Assistant.
3. Olathe Medical Center miss-diagnosed me and I did not receive the proper treatments.
4. KU miss-diagnosed me and I did not receive the proper treatments.
5. Mid America Rehabilitation Hospital miss-diagnosed me and I did not receive the proper treatments.
6. Overland Park Regional Medical Center refused me the proper treatment and miss-diagnosed me.
7. Louisburg Healthcare and Rehab discontinued the accepting orders and denied me care for 3 days which is an intentional breech of an accepted, "Safe Discharge Plan" from Menorah Medical Center. They will bill Medicare and this wasted 3 days of my 100 days of insurance. I also was to be doing OT and PT while getting the drip at the facility. I had to go to Menorah and get the drip so I lost 5 days worth of OT and PT. Louisburg cost me 8 days of loss on my 100 days of insurance.
8. My landlord has not received rent for March yet. I am addressing this as I have the money I just am trying to get it to him as my mail is on vacation hold and my disability checks are at the post office.
9. Louisburg Healthcare and Rehab kept my clothes, wallet and its contents, my Pod-Care Medical Boots, my tennis shows and my watch and truck keys.
10. The EMS told me that my truck was missing from Doctor Cooke's office. I had made arrangements with my landlord to pick it up after I paid my rent. I will have to confirm what happened. Doctor Cooke had my numbers at the Hospital and their Social Services and never called them to ask to remove my truck or have it moved. He gave me permission to leave it there as I was leaving there buy ambulance. EMS is wrong. The truck is still there.
11. Heartland Rural Electric charged me upwards of $500 for one months electric use after I shut the entire house down as I was going to the Hospital. My typical bill when I am home is around $189.00 to $256.00 a month, not $500.00!!!
12. I was in Olathe for a week, then KU for a week and then Mid America Rehab for a week then Menorah for 2 weeks then Louisburg for 3 days and then back to Menorah for 1 day and then I am here at ManorCare.
13. So far I have lost my truck, not been able to forward funds to my landlord to pay my rent, and been frauded by the electric company. My truck is safe. I am working on getting it moved.
1. I finally received a proper diagnosis and care by Menorah Medical Center even though it is late as hell. They did their job 100%. I received the IVIG in the Out Patient Infusion CHF Lab from, Mon 04/02/2012 through 04/06/2012.
2. My landlord is very extremely kind and will get his rent! I sent him $800.00 on 04/05/2012. I still owe him $150.00 which he will get this week of 04/09/2012 through 04/14/2012.
3. ManorCare is addressing my needs and continuing my proper care. To include an expensive drug therapy. CLICK HERE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intravenous_immunoglobulin Yea, it is around $75,000.00 dollars for the five doses.
4. I contacted the United States District Court of Kansas and am filing Civil Complaints as needed on all the negatives. CLICK HERE http://prose.ksd.uscourts.gov/ProSeGuide.pdf
5. The EMS is wrong. The truck is still at the Doctor's Office. Doctor Cooke is extremely nice and I owe him an apology.
6. I called the 1-800-MEDICARE line and have communicated with, the State QIO Office and have a Case Manager to address these concerns as stated above. The State's QIO is ran by The Kansas Foundation for Medical Care. They can be reached at 1-800-432-0770. CLICK HERE
Basically, the spider bite was an "Act Of God". The other Bullshit is an "Act of Man"!
Herbert West 3rd
ManorCare Health Services
Room 301-B
5211 West 103rd Street
Overland Park, KS 66207
Lets update. I have found ManorCare is just in my care for the money. Is that fair? Yes. Except, it is also altering the quality of care I am receiving. How? They are messing with me so I will get pissed and leave. I am not Rehabilitated yet. My insurance is messed up because Gov Brownback is screwing up Medicaid. So, I get messed with here. I had a Vertical Banded Gastroplasty procedure done in 2001 by Doctor Sifers. It messed up and I am on a specific diet. For the rest of my life I can only eat, 1. Mashed Potatoes, 2. Gravy, 3. Yogurt, 4. 2% Milk and 5. Oatmeal. If I don't, I get "Dumping Syndrome". I get the first one listed. The Director of Nursing here said, "I was wrong, I don't get dumping syndrome. Diarrhea is the only sign of Dumping Syndrome". Then was upset because I questioned her and she wrote me up for arguing with her. To cover for the dietician from earlier and then stated, "That issue was over". What happened was, is the dietician, after my diet was working out, changed it to a normal puree. The meat, bread and other foods get stuck and I blackout. She refused to follow the Speech Therapy Consult. I tried repeatedly to get her to understand. Her response was to smile in my face and laugh at me. I did cuss her out. Then the Administive Staff, without telling me, changed that I must receive care only if two staff members are present. This delays my meds by about 2 hours. If I hit the floor because I can barely walk when I am transfering from my wheel chair to the walker, I must wait until two CNA's can check on me and ask what I crawled over to the call light for. I could lay on the floor for about an hour waiting until two CNA's are both available. I questioned the DON and she asked, "has that happened yet. If not that doesn't pretain to me". I mentioned prevention. She refused to address my concern. All this has created a hostile environment. The ManorCare Overland Park also is just protecting their getting patients from the Hospitals I am filing on. Yea, this place is a Post-Hospital Facility. The three hospitals above send patients here. I have also seen where the Ot and PT staff has cut my care time in half. It is not based on my medical needs, it is based on Adminstative Retaliation. I did call the Corporate Care Line. I will be calling them back on Monday the 16Th. ManorCare's corporate is at CLICK HERE http://www.hcr-manorcare.com/ Then I read the paperwork that the Kansas Foundation for Medical Care can and cannot do. They don't do anything for mal-practice except cover for the Doctor's. I also received a very rude and cursive e-mail from a staff member here. See CLICK HERE and read the comment section. I also called the HCR-Corporate Office and will do it again on Monday. I am calling the Johnson County District Attorney also. I will probably end up calling another facility and will be moving there to continue my care. I have a place that will take me. I will name it later. I just feel people need to know how nursing homes and facility's treat patients like a piece of meat. They just look for the best insurance and the least care and they treat everyone else like shit until they leave. This really sucks. All the medical world covers for each other. The only facility in all this that did their job, without bullshit, is Menorah Medical Center. These other facilities, to include ManorCare have destroyed all the work that Menorah had achieved. These facilities are trying to fill up their Long Term Care side. The Hospital doesn't have a long term care side. The good staff here has to avoid me to save their job. I don't mind as they actually care and the other patients get a quality care. I just am tired of being treated like a piece of meat. I will be filing the Federal Civil Complaint paperwork to address these issues. I have to file a complete a set of paperwork on every individual person involved who has not treated me properly. I will probably catch comment shit over posting the truth. Oh well.
**Update April 16TH 2012**
I had to file a Police Report. It was filed do to threats I received on my website/blogs. The report number is 201200804 filed with the Overland Park Police Department. The threats were worded, "Sleep well big boy" in the comment section here below. And "Someones going to feel a sharp pain in there asshole when Rich takes care of them without lube". On my Marketing Company website in the comment section. It is under the, "Index of Offerings,Packages" blog. I was asked to write up in order what happened. I was asked to give details. Here is those details.
1. I moved here after all things above, in the entire blog here, took place.
2. I had to wait around 12 to 24 hours for my daily meds because the facility uses an outside pharmacy. Even then, it took upwards of 4 days to get all my meds.
3. I went to Menorah Medical Center for 5 days, out patient for IVIG IV Medicine/Drips.
4. I was not able to speak with Administration here at ManorCare because my IV drips were all day during the day. I lost 5 days of OT and PT over this.
5. My diet was messed up and I was getting the pureed I cannot eat. The staff did replace the food and I did finally get the proper food each night after I returned from Menorah Hospital.
6. That weekend, March 7TH and 8TH my food was still messed up. The CNA's did fix each tray, except, each tray was an hour late.
7. On Monday I had them fix my food. This was back and forth for days. Finally they wrote down my diet and sent it to the kitchen around 14 times. Still my food was wrong.
8. I then finally received a Speech Consult and Speech wrote an "1800 ADA purred diet with the specific items listed". 1. Mashed Potatoes. 2. Gravy. 3. Yogurt. 4. Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat. 5. 2% Milk. 6. Butter and Diet Sugar.
9. This was finally fixed. They started following this diet. Except around 3 times over the course of a week.
10. I spoke with the kitchen manager and he finally fixed the meals.
11. On Wednesday April 11TH the dietician came up during dinner and told me she had changed my diet order. I asked her why and she stated, "I was getting Glucerna without an order. It was a supplement and I needed a Doctors order for it". She further refused to discuss my diet situation. She was vauge. I had added hot water to my potatoes because they were to thick. She demanded I don't do that anymore. I questioned her as to why and she refused to discuss it.
12. I got the Doctors Order for the Glucerna on April 12Th. The Physicians Assistant had asked about my specific diet. I told her that the Kitchen Manager John, stated it was fixed. The P.A. then finalized the Glucerna.
13. The next day, April 12TH I received a proper breakfast and lunch. At dinner I received the pureed I could not eat. I called the kitchen and they told me they was told to throw out the diet I had been getting and serve me the pureed instead. I finally got a proper tray later.
14. I then read who ordered what on my diet. I was told it was ordered as, "Controlled Carb, NAS, Pureed". NAS is no added sodium, by Speech Therapy. Again the dietician had just left and told me she changed the diet.
15. I saw the dietician this April 12Th in the hall and told her I got the order for the Glucerna. She smiled at me and walked off.
16. The next day April 13TH I was denied access to the Speech Therapist. Again, I was told that Speech had ordered this diet in my chart. I was told her name was Karen.
17. I was later told the Dietician is named Karen. The Speech Therapist is named Sarah. I was still denied access to her and have not been allowed to speak with her still.
18. I then confronted the Dietician, April 13TH, and she laughed at me. Do to this I lost my temper and cussed her out.
19. Then the Administrator got involved. I had a conference with, Mike the Pavillion Nurse Mananger, the Administrator, and Karen the Dietician. As she continued to smile and laugh at me, is when I started cussing her out. The Administrator demanded I stop cussing out the Dietician as she continued to smile and laugh at me. I was still explaining the "Dumping Syndrome" and she continued to laugh. Then the Administrator called John, the Kitchen Manager in. Then she blamed him, not the Dietician. Then she asked if I wanted a different Dietician. I was then given a different Dietician. I had to watch her get on John and I told her the Dietician had told me she was changing the diet, not John. The Administrator then stated, "It was not my place to say anything. She felt John was wrong, not the Dietician".
20. "I was told that my meeting with the Dietician was coinciendental and that the tray mistake had nothing to do with the Dietician".
21. I then did the rest of my day, until night meds. I received my Meds at 11:00PM not 9:00PM. Per COBRA Medicine Regulations, Medicine is to be given within one hour as ordered. Either a half hour before or a half hour after the ordered time. I was also denied my Medical Cream for my legs as ordered.
22. On Saturday, April 14TH, I had my daily OT and PT. I was told that I would be getting only PT. It ended up that I got, 1/2 OT and 1/2 PT. I got my 50 minutes except it was 1/2 OT and then 1/2 PT. I was curious but was denied a answer as to why this happened.
23. I asked the Social Worker afterwards if I was on 2 staff status. She stated she had not heard. Two staff status is when 2 staff members must be present with patient care and interactions. I had asked because the Meds the night before were given with two nurses. OT and PT was with 2 staff members.
24. Later in the day, I received an abusive comment on my website. See the comment below. It is in the comment section CLICK HERE It is the comment referencing the DON.
25. I showed staff the comment and I was visited by the Director of Nursing and the Assistant Administrator in my room. I explained what happened and they took a report. I was then notified of the two on one status with staff. I expressed my meds being delayed do to this and the DON was not concerned. I further express, "What if I fall in my room, cannot get up, crawl to the call light and have to wait on the floor until another CNA or Nurse is available to check to see what I need because I have to have 2 staff members with me? I am supposed to lay on the floor until a second staff member is available?" She asked, "Has that happened yet?" I stated, "No". She said, "Then it doesn't matter?" I asked, "What about preventative measures before it happens?" She restated, "It has not happened, she was not concerned." I further stated, "I felt that the 2 on 1 is a form of Retaliation and that the Dietician and her games should not be allowed to alter my health care. I further stated that I felt a Wanton Act and a Willful Tort was being used against me. I was told the Dietician issue was closed and that the 2 on 1 was because of my size. I stated further, whay is my size an issue now, and has not been an issue since my admit on March 31ST. I was told it was all coincidental."
26. On Saturday April 14TH I did not get my Medical Cream for my legs again. My Medicine was late again.
27. I was working on facebook and a staff member came over to do my blood preasure. She asked if I was on facebook. I said yes. She asked if she could see my site. I said yes. She looked at it.
28. I was told within 20 minutes by the Nurse Peter, "He received a complaint by a female that I was doing inappropriate stuff on the internet". I reminded him that their was an Administrative Site Content Block in place that filters out anything that the facility wants to block." He said ok. I was posting pictues of Models on my facebook group. I am at Herbert West III on facebook. The group is HLWIII model pics It is set up for public view.
29. I the received 2 threats later that night in the comment section of my blogs. Any comment that people send goes to my yahoo e-mail account then I forward them to the comment sections, un-edited. The threats can be seen at, 1. "Index of Offerings, Packages." In the comment section. It is the Rich comment, and a comment speaking of child porn. 2. See below here in the comment section. It is the "Sleep well big boy." comment.
30. I called the Overland Park Police Department, stated all the above and they did a Police Report. The case# is 2012008011. It will be available in 48 hours. The Officer asked me to write him with a complete write up with what happened. So I am doing that today, Monday April 17TH.
31. I received my 9:00PM Medical Cream for my legs this morning, April 16TH, at 3:30AM instead of the 9:00PM, April 15TH as ordered.
32. I went to OT and PT this morning, April 16TH. They have changed my time from 2, 50 minute sessions to 1, 50 minute session per Administration against my Health Care needs. This seems wrong. April 31ST, 2012.-My session have moved up to two, 75 minute sessions aday. This has been going on for about 2 weeks now. For the last 5 weeks, (May-24-2012, today), I have received 75 minutes with Occupational Therapy and 75 minutes with Physical Therapy Monday through Friday and 60 minutes with each on Saturdays. This changed around right after the April 16Th posting.
33. Details I further told him that I feel motivated this whole process.
Update from today, April 16TH at 6:43 PM, as Administration spoke with me.
34. I was told I will be discharged if I don't pay the $690.00 co-pay for the Medicare/Medicaid Insurance, in full. They do not allow payments. This is not due right now, but is is coming up. My appeal process? Medicare Form CMC-R-193 I cannot afford the entire payment at once. They are telling me they are appealing Social Security to become my payee. My income is below the poverty level and Social Security doesn't allow garnishment of disability. "Retaliation for filing a Police Report? I feel so!!"
35. I was told they are filing with the State on the threats. They are trying to override Overland Park PD. I filed a report last-night. The Overland Park Police Department has the Jurisdiction, so far, because they took the original report. I don't feel that the facility should be allowed to have the State override, Overland Park PD's report. And remember, the threats seem to have been from a staff member here. "Retaliation for filing a Police Report? I feel so!!"
End the April 16TH 6:43 PM update. Which will start or continue the original
**Update April 17TH 2012***
Who owns HCR-ManorCare? CLICK HERE http://www.carlyle.com/Company/item1676.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlyle_Group
The Physical Therapy Department has added more time onto my PT and OT sessions. Then the Administrator came in and spoke of the discharge. That makes it a direct retaliation.
*****End the Update April 17TH 2012.******
See below for more more details against ManorCare.
--A. My insurance is messed up. My Medicaid is now stating I have a $690.00 co-pay each month of stay here. I have to pay the $690.00 my self.
--B. I am paying rent on the outside to maintain my home when I discharge. I also have a $747.00 electric bill I am working on. I had to pay my truck insurance. I feel the facility is afraid that if I continue paying my outside bills I won't be able to pay the co-pay of $690.00.
--C. I further mentioned I feel they are trying to piss me off so I will leave. By law they cannot make me leave until I am medically stable and have completed Physical Rehab. If I leave on my own, they are off the hook. I further stated that this place looks at patient needs or amount of needs and the better insurance. They don't seem to base care on patient needs. I also stated the nursing staff actually trys to do their job and Administration is retaliating and causing these problems. I also felt this "Hostile Environment" is being brought on my Administration. I told the Officer that just the Staff seeing him would make who ever sent the threats think twice now that a report was done.
--D. After the Officer left, I then told the Nurses what happened. I am tired of Administration not listening to me and barking at the wrong staff. I felt I could handle this without their help and they could remain out of it so they could just do their job. The Nurses did not give comments back. They just listened to what I said.
--E. I am sending this to the Officer. For some reason, this blog/post won't activate directly. I will be sending him the main blog and referencing this, Story. I will also be completing my Federal Filing with the U.S. District Courts of the entire situation in this entire blog/post.
I thank the, Overland Park Police Department for taking a report and addressing my concerns. I am glad I have a Medical background. I worked in an ICU and was involved in the entire Unit. i went to meetings, addressed Crisis Management, worked closely with the nurses and learned alot. I was also a Paramedic Student and learned a lot in College to include C.O.B.R.A. Regs. I also studied the "Quality Assurance QD/QM/QI regulations". I studied QU/QI/UR Quality Usurance, Quality Issuance, Utilization Review, program.
This is the process to, 1. Set policy, 2. Review policy and 3. Update policy, to comply with the C.O.B.R.A. Regs, and Federal Regs as the policies pretain to Medicare/Medicaid Insurance in regards to Quality, and Compliance. I also completed the F.E.M.A. Incident Command Course in 2008 and am currently Registered.
Herbert West 3rd
ManorCare Overland Park
Room: 310-B
5211 W. 103rd, Street
Overland Park KS 66207
**Update April 18TH, 2012**
I looked the Law on some of the continued problems since the Police Report. The Report Number is Case# 1012008011 with the Overland Park KS Police Department. I also updated the Officer how took the report. It is going to Investigations for further case review.
1. K.S.A. 21-3438. Stalking. Some of the staff is continually follow me and it doesn't pertain to my Health Care needs. http://kansasstatutes.lesterama.org/Chaper_21/Article_34/21-3438.html
2. Chapter 39. Reporting Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of certain persons. CLICK HERE
3. K.S.A. 39-1401. Abuse, Neglect or Exploitations of residents. CLICK HERE
4. I called the Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Hot line at 1-800-842-0078.
5. I called the local Long Term Care Obudsman, Phylis Toumberlin at 1-913-236-9385.
6. Meadwbrook Rehabilitation Hospital declined to let me transfer there.
We will see what happens and I keep you posted.
**Update, April 20 2012**
What is ManorCare's Nursing Home problems? http://www.memberofthefamily.net/ Then click onto
" Watch List". Then click onto, "Kansas", and look up ManorCare in Overland Park and the other cities to compare them in the list.
I have been denied my prescription creams for my legs for 7 days. The 11:00PM to 7:00AM nurse is supposed to apply these prescription creams to my legs and feet so my skin doesn't crack. My diabetes and nerve damage will cause severe damage to my legs and feet without these prescription creams. It is a form of abuse, not to follow the Doctors orders.
**Update April 31, 2012**
http://hlwiiiotherthings.blogspot.com/2012/04/kansas-medicaid-already-terrorized-by.html I also received my Care Assessment and qualify for up to a year of treatment and services do to my current health status. I will be leaving here around the end of May if things still progress as currently going in Ot and Pt.
I am still a candidate for Sheriff in Miami County KS. http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/
I am still on disability also.
**Update May 24TH, 2012**
I will be leaving the Nursing Home and going home, June 1St. My Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy was upgraded to 75 minutes each Monday through Friday. I get 60 minutes with each on Saturdays. i am walking with a walker and have been out of the wheel chair for about a week now. I will be getting out patient Physical Therapy when I go home. I have one more IVIG on June 11TH. The Overland Park Police Department dropped the investigation and stated, "Mike Kelly, Sheriff Kelly's brother, works for them and so did Retired Under-Sheriff Marl Schmidt". Typical Cop Buddy Bull Shit!!! They refused to follow through.
http://herbertwest3rdcandidateforsheriff2012.blogspot.com/ Other than that, see my website for the updates for my Candidate for Sheriff updates.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Green Dot Money Card Idea/Suggestion.
What would this be? Green Dot already has a Debit Card and is a functioning Company. Maybe I have an idea that would be beneficial to them and to myself as well as beneficial to consumers who use the GreenDot.com cards.
What is my idea?
1. Imagine having your wallet stolen, misplaced etc:. Imagine they have your Green Dot Debit Card now. Imagine you left your pin number in your wallet. Imagine they call the toll free number and use the zip code on your drivers license and get your balance. You can dispute the transactions and go through a lot of trouble or you can possibly use my idea.
2. Green Dot offers a second card and it looks identical to the original card. It has its own account number and it has its own pin number. Imagine that when the same situation happens, all your Green Dot Cards "FREEZE". How? It is a fake security card. The card has no money on it. They call the number, type in the account number on the card and type in the zip code. This activates the card and "FREEZES" all cards attached to this security card. We would be told to leave the pin number in our wallet on purpose. When they use this fake card at the store it activates the "FREEZE" mode. The thief doesn't know that the card is fake. Even if we check the balance it will "FREEZE" all attached cards. Even if we accidentally pull out that card at the store, it will "FREEZE" us out of our good card or cards usage until we follow their, "Terms Of Service" to restore our account balances. Yea, someone lifts my wallet. They check the balance with the toll free number. Type in my zip code and "FREEZE" up all cards I have registered and attached to my name, social security number etc:. They could even send an alert to the Sheriff's Office where I live and to the Sheriff's Office where the card was checked or they attempted to use it for a purchase or an ATM transaction. All this is done through Green Dot automatically. I pay $10.00 for the fake card and I pay $3.00 a month for this service. I just have to remember which card is the real card and which card is the fake card. The account numbers will be different. The bad guy will find out which is which when they attempt to get a balance or make a purchase as well as trying to do a ATM withdrawal. It is all done automatically. I could even buy a fake, CVS, K-Mart etc:.. card. This way I don't forget and use the security card on accident. The thief will not know this.
Another advantage. Put your child's card's on your security card. Use your card to "FREEZE" their card. As long as you list your kid's cards, and then you activate the "FREEZE" by calling the toll free number and punching in the account number on your security card, you will then "FREEZE" your kid's card. This helps in getting them to listen and a tool to stop them from getting ripped off and being taken advantage of. It helps you control their card and its funds.
I buy a fake card. I have a valid card to pay the monthly service fee. My wallet is stolen. I don't notice right away. The thief calls the toll free number, types in the account number and then my zip code. The card can be "FROZEN" upon entering just the account or it can be "FROZEN" when they type in the zip code. This "FREEZES" all my registered Green Dot Cards and anything else that Green Dot will allow to be "FROZEN" by their Terms of Service Contract with everyone else. Yes, Checking Accounts, Credit Cards, Department of Motor Vehicles etc:. And they can send an alert to the Sheriff's Office where I live and they can send an alert to the Sheriff's Office where the thief tried to do the maneuvers with my stolen card. All this for $120.00 a year or $10.00 a month and an initial card fee of $10.00. I will be sending this to Green Dot. I hope to get $1,000,000.00. I will let everyone know what they decide. I was told I need to mail them at the Green Dot Customer Service, PO Box 1187, Monrovia CA 91017. I will be doing that.
I also contacted lifelock, http://www.lifelock.com/ and offered this to them and added, Phone Cards/Bank Cards as Decoy Security Cards, as well as the Greendot Cards. I asked them to contact greendot and then consider buying me out after they see the potential income they can make. I will keep you updated.
Where the Bank screwed up, I have a Federal Business License, not a State. I follow Federal Laws, Not State. The Bank and the State are impeding Federal Revenue. I pay 32% to 38% in Federal Income Tax and .09% on the first $109,840 for Social Security and Medicare Tax. That is it. The State has "ZERO" say so in my business. I went to Wells fargo and they are dragging their feet also. First Option Bank follows State rules. Wells Fargo follows Federal rules. I will keep everyone posted.
What is my idea?
1. Imagine having your wallet stolen, misplaced etc:. Imagine they have your Green Dot Debit Card now. Imagine you left your pin number in your wallet. Imagine they call the toll free number and use the zip code on your drivers license and get your balance. You can dispute the transactions and go through a lot of trouble or you can possibly use my idea.
2. Green Dot offers a second card and it looks identical to the original card. It has its own account number and it has its own pin number. Imagine that when the same situation happens, all your Green Dot Cards "FREEZE". How? It is a fake security card. The card has no money on it. They call the number, type in the account number on the card and type in the zip code. This activates the card and "FREEZES" all cards attached to this security card. We would be told to leave the pin number in our wallet on purpose. When they use this fake card at the store it activates the "FREEZE" mode. The thief doesn't know that the card is fake. Even if we check the balance it will "FREEZE" all attached cards. Even if we accidentally pull out that card at the store, it will "FREEZE" us out of our good card or cards usage until we follow their, "Terms Of Service" to restore our account balances. Yea, someone lifts my wallet. They check the balance with the toll free number. Type in my zip code and "FREEZE" up all cards I have registered and attached to my name, social security number etc:. They could even send an alert to the Sheriff's Office where I live and to the Sheriff's Office where the card was checked or they attempted to use it for a purchase or an ATM transaction. All this is done through Green Dot automatically. I pay $10.00 for the fake card and I pay $3.00 a month for this service. I just have to remember which card is the real card and which card is the fake card. The account numbers will be different. The bad guy will find out which is which when they attempt to get a balance or make a purchase as well as trying to do a ATM withdrawal. It is all done automatically. I could even buy a fake, CVS, K-Mart etc:.. card. This way I don't forget and use the security card on accident. The thief will not know this.
Another advantage. Put your child's card's on your security card. Use your card to "FREEZE" their card. As long as you list your kid's cards, and then you activate the "FREEZE" by calling the toll free number and punching in the account number on your security card, you will then "FREEZE" your kid's card. This helps in getting them to listen and a tool to stop them from getting ripped off and being taken advantage of. It helps you control their card and its funds.
I buy a fake card. I have a valid card to pay the monthly service fee. My wallet is stolen. I don't notice right away. The thief calls the toll free number, types in the account number and then my zip code. The card can be "FROZEN" upon entering just the account or it can be "FROZEN" when they type in the zip code. This "FREEZES" all my registered Green Dot Cards and anything else that Green Dot will allow to be "FROZEN" by their Terms of Service Contract with everyone else. Yes, Checking Accounts, Credit Cards, Department of Motor Vehicles etc:. And they can send an alert to the Sheriff's Office where I live and they can send an alert to the Sheriff's Office where the thief tried to do the maneuvers with my stolen card. All this for $120.00 a year or $10.00 a month and an initial card fee of $10.00. I will be sending this to Green Dot. I hope to get $1,000,000.00. I will let everyone know what they decide. I was told I need to mail them at the Green Dot Customer Service, PO Box 1187, Monrovia CA 91017. I will be doing that.
I also contacted lifelock, http://www.lifelock.com/ and offered this to them and added, Phone Cards/Bank Cards as Decoy Security Cards, as well as the Greendot Cards. I asked them to contact greendot and then consider buying me out after they see the potential income they can make. I will keep you updated.
Where the Bank screwed up, I have a Federal Business License, not a State. I follow Federal Laws, Not State. The Bank and the State are impeding Federal Revenue. I pay 32% to 38% in Federal Income Tax and .09% on the first $109,840 for Social Security and Medicare Tax. That is it. The State has "ZERO" say so in my business. I went to Wells fargo and they are dragging their feet also. First Option Bank follows State rules. Wells Fargo follows Federal rules. I will keep everyone posted.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
FEMA Incident Command, (Program/Protocol).
I became a FEMA Incident Command recipient in 2008. I completed the following,
1. IS-00100 Introduction to the Incident Command System. (July 5th, 2008).
2. IS-00200 ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents. (July 7th, 2008).
3. IS-00700 National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction. (July 21st, 2008).
4. IS-00800.B National Response Framework, An Introduction. (July 21st, 2008).
The course is required of all safety service personnel in America. I have an understanding of how it works. I also have an understanding of what it lacks. I will be writing a (Program/Protocol) and disclosing it here. This post will look and be fragmented for a while until it is completed. I will cover basic program/protocol needs and workings. I will focus on finance and preparedness. It won't cost the tax payer anything. It won't cost the Federal Government anything. It won't cost any State Government anything. There will not be any tax incentives used.
Sounds odd? It is not that hard to imagine or pull off. I will be updating this post soon. See some new info at CLICK HERE.
1. IS-00100 Introduction to the Incident Command System. (July 5th, 2008).
2. IS-00200 ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents. (July 7th, 2008).
3. IS-00700 National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction. (July 21st, 2008).
4. IS-00800.B National Response Framework, An Introduction. (July 21st, 2008).
The course is required of all safety service personnel in America. I have an understanding of how it works. I also have an understanding of what it lacks. I will be writing a (Program/Protocol) and disclosing it here. This post will look and be fragmented for a while until it is completed. I will cover basic program/protocol needs and workings. I will focus on finance and preparedness. It won't cost the tax payer anything. It won't cost the Federal Government anything. It won't cost any State Government anything. There will not be any tax incentives used.
Sounds odd? It is not that hard to imagine or pull off. I will be updating this post soon. See some new info at CLICK HERE.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Reality Internet? Live Webcam Shows!
OK, what is this? Imagine watching your computer instead of watching your TV. Yea, I want to travel to Bars and Clubs and set up cameras and broadcast the nights activities "Live" over the Internet. I want to broadcast Garage bands, Comedians, people dancing, people partying. I want to allow people to log on and watch people drink, dance and having fun. Imagine setting at home and watching 100's of people dancing, partying and having a blast. I am not talking about the "Nude Sexual Web cams". Those are already out there. I want to set up cameras at different Clubs and Bars on different nights. I want to set up cameras for shout outs. "Video Scrap Book Style". I want to set up cameras where girls can dance in front of the camera and you can log on at home and dance with them. I want to utilize "Site Models" as hostesses. I want to help these girls do Web Site commercials for businesses. I want to expand my Marketing Company. Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA. I think people would enjoy watching people having fun at Clubs and Bars across the USA and/or the World. I will be posting this on "Facebook". Stay in touch,
Herbert West 3rd C.E.O.
Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA
21817 W. 351st
Paola Kansas 66071
E.I.N. 45-1473168
Herbert West 3rd C.E.O.
Marketing Matters HLW3RD DBA
21817 W. 351st
Paola Kansas 66071
E.I.N. 45-1473168
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